What is a Canadian communication satellite?
A Canadian communication satellite is an artificial satellite stationed in space. The purpose of Canadian communication satellites are to communicate and connect with your friends and family in different ways; such as telephone (long distance), internet, microphones, webcam, telegraph and much more.
How Do Communication Satellites Benefit Us?
Communication satellites benefit us all around the world. Without them we wouldn’t be able to have cell phones, broadcasting, advertising, internet and navigation and global positioning systems. Many people in this world could not live without this technology especially with the current generation.
Cell phones affect our everyday lives. With cell phones we can call people from anytime anywhere and it fits right in your pocket! Not only can you talk but you can text, browse the web and catch up with your friend on Facebook. Cell phones can also be used for work as well. You can email your coworkers and send in your project to your boss. Society uses this device everyday and it has clearly improved our ways of living.
Broadcasting the news has benefited everyone. Not only is it easier to spread the word about criminals but the whole world gets up to date about everything that’s happening. It’s easy to get the broadcasting, all you do is turn on your TV and flick to the news channel and your there.
Advertising has effect the world around us. Now companies have more sales than ever before and their sales increase every day. Advertising is also used to notify people, who are driving especially on highways to buckle up their seatbelt, don’t drink and drive and that there is traffic up ahead. Advertising is used by satellites by the TV and the internet.
Without Internet you could not access friends across the world, get information about things and be updated about what’s happening in the world. You can use the internet for entertainment and business purposes. The internet is clearly an advantage in everyday life.
Navigation and Global Positioning Systems have helped human’s everywhere. With them we know where to go and we get directions of how to get there. They make life easier and less stressful for the average human. Navigation is simple no with the GPS as we can get virtually anywhere and not worry about getting lost.
As you can see communication satellites help us with our everyday life and without them life would be more difficult and not as easy of a task.
Why Should We Support Communication Satellites?
Communication satellites are very important for today’s society. Without them, life would be difficult especially for this generation. Communication Satellites are the reason why we are able to have cell phones, broadcasting, advertisements, internet and navigation and global positioning systems. Communication satellites are expensive and only last up to 15 years in space before needing to send up a new one. So the government needs to take the money from our taxes to pay for this. Some will argue that we shouldn’t have to pay but if we don’t pay who will? Imagine living without the internet. We wouldn’t be able to connect with relatives across the world and more importantly we wouldn’t be able to email our boss the project that was due. Without broadcasting we wouldn’t be able to get up to date with everything across the world so it would be a very sheltered life where we would only know about things in our community. What would we do without the GPS? We wouldn’t know where we were going and would get lost almost every day. As you can see we need communication satellites to survive in the world today. Therefore I think we need to pay our taxes and support communication satellites because they are a big part of our lives.
How Do Canadian Communication Satellites Impact Our Environment?
The Canadian communication satellite has affected our environment and us in many ways. Satellites allow us monitor our temperature from space, and with that we can predict the weather. Before our phones were attached with wires, which uses a lot of energy from our environment and a lot man power. So, satellites were invented to avoid harm in to our environment. Communication satellites in space are also helpful to our environment because when a natural disaster is on its way, data from the satellites are sent to us before any harm is done to the environment and us. The pollution from ships is a critical issue for Canada’s environment, and to solve this problem Canada supplies its DASH-8 aircraft. That allows the aircraft to monitor Canada's environment, in all weather conditions around the clock. And that wasn't possible without communication satellites. These are the few ways Canadian Communication Satellites have affected our environment.
Now here are some facts about communication satellites.
Today there are approximately 150 communication satellites in orbit.
- Communications satellites act as relay stations, receiving signals from one location and transmitting them to another.
- Most are launched by the US, Russia, or the European Space Agency, with a few launched by China, Japan, and many other countries.
In 1963 the necessary rocket power was available and the first geosynchronous satellite, Syncom 2, was launched by NASA. For those who could “see” it, it was available 100% of the time for 24 hours a day.